When planning a new project, selecting the perfect name is always a difficult task. We have found over the years the best practice for us is to just jump into the project and wait for the name to reveal itself to us. In the case of this documentary, we are now 60+ interviews into this process (with many many more to come) and there is one word from one interview that has us absolutely hooked: WEIRDOS.
Today we are happy to announce the official name of our movie:
“Weirdos: A Homeschool Documentary”
On the surface level it may leave people wondering if we are in support of homeschooling or simply making fun of homeschoolers. We like that is is intriguing in that way. As you start to watch any of the content we have made though (trailers, bonus clips, the 11 minute sizzle reel) you will quickly realize that we view the title of “Weirdo” as a badge of honor. In a world completely obsessed with conformity and being and looking like everyone else, it is those few people who think for themselves and choose to stand out that make the world a better place. To be a homeschooler, in many ways you need to look at the world, and the things people do, and say “That is great for you, but we want something different for us and our children. We want to BE different so we can get a different result.”
Being a weirdo or declaring what is the “norm” is truly subjective. Children who attend public school may look at homeschooled kids and think that they are strange for not coming to school. On the flip side, many homeschool families are so involved in the homeschool community, and have so many friends through those different groups that they may feel like everyone homeschools and that those who DON’T are strange for going to a building for 8 hours everyday. It is all about what you are used to.
We ARE weirdos.
We DO stand out.
We are PROUD to be different.